8 October 2010

Review of 'I am David' by Anne Holm

Review of 'I am David' by Anne HolmI am David', David repeatedly explains. If he seems slightly obsessed with his own name, it can be excused since it is all he really has. For as long as he can remember, David has grown up in a Eastern European concentration camp. He has no knowledge of the outside world. However, all that is set to change when a camp guard helps him to escape and encourages him to head north, towards unknown freedom.

Although I found the novel hard to get into at first, I started to warm to David's character. He is fiercely independent and very mature for his age. His wonder and naivety at the world is refreshing to read. Witnessing him experience his first smile is genuinely touching, and his character had more than enough quirks to keep me reading.

Anne Holm's prose is simple but effective, although I sense its effect has been somewhat dampened by translation into English. The geographical and political context seems to be intentionally vague, perhaps to both reflect David's own confusion, and to allow the reader better access to the narrative. This didn't bother me, but could annoy some readers, especially inquisitive children.

This is a novel probably best marketed at young girls, and adults, since younger boys would probably find some of the more emotional aspects of the book slightly sickening! For me however, the relationships which David strikes up throughout the book with both adults and children rang true. It is a book which certainly makes you appreciate what you have. The plot runs slowly at times, but builds momentum, to the extent that the final passages seem a little rushed.

All in all it is a thought provoking, orgininal novel which focuses upon a little talked about time and place.