12 January 2015

The Giraffe and The Shoe: a story

There was once a rather tiny giraffe.

Having failed to meet the basic requirement of being a giraffe, he felt small and ashamed.

It was for this reason that he hid in a shoe. It wasn't a particularly nice shoe. To be sure, it was made from leather - but the leather had become cracked. On windy days gusts would whistle through the cracks. George the giraffe did not appreciate this. He had never been musical. But the shoe was home to George.

Now George had been living in the shoe for around 12 hours when the sock arrived on the scene. The sock rudely barged into his home whilst George was combing his hair. It was all puffed up with self-importance and a foot and it crushed poor George.

Bruised and afraid, the small giraffe managed to squeeze his head out between two of the sock's toes. 


he bellowed at the top of his neck.


He paused for breath and blew some fluff out of his nose. It seemed that no one would answer his cry of distress. He was going to have to take matters into his own hooves.

Taking a deep breath, he opened his mouth wide and clamped his teeth down on the littlest toe. There followed the loudest, most inhumane scream George had ever heard. He quickly let go of the toe just as the sock exited the shoe, and all was quiet.

Without stopping to collect his crushed belongings, George hurriedly took his leave, scuttling away to safety behind a fridge.

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